The recent rise in violence against Israelis and Palestinians hurts children in both communities – with an increase in post-traumatic stress, morbidity, nightmares. Children of Peace carries out urgent work with our partners – protecting and supporting children. Please support our work and help the #childrenofconflict.
- 91%
… of your donation will help disadvantaged Israeli and Palestinian children.
(We keep admin costs to under 10%, thanks to wonderful help from our team of volunteers.)
You can donate now with a credit card. There is a choice of currencies. Your donation can be one-off or monthly recurring. If you choose the monthly option, an account in Donorbox (our donation portal) will be created. Details will be emailed to you. You will be able to cancel/change your monthly donation any time.
The GiftAid option gives us 25% more through a refund from HMRC (UK donors only).
You may make a donation in honour or in memory of someone. Add a notification email and name, plus a message if you wish.
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“Children are forgotten victims of the conflict. Please support us to make a positive difference to the children’s lives and peace.”
Richard Martin, President & Founder